1st gay couple married at West Point are attacked in NYC

new york gay lgbt

NEW YORK (AP) – The New York Police Department is investigating a bias attack on two men who were the first gay couple to be married at West Point.

Police say it happened at a SoHo food store while Daniel and Larry Lennox-Choate were shopping Sunday afternoon.

They say a man began shouting anti-gay obscenities at the couple. He then punched Daniel Lennox-Choate in the face.

The assailant fled on a bicycle after Larry Lennox-Choate said he intervened.

In a post on his Facebook page, Larry Lennox-Choate says it’s difficult to believe that in 2015 they have to deal with anti-gay hate “in SoHo of all places.”

No arrests have been made.

Daniel graduated from West Point in 2007, and Larry graduated two years later. They were married in 2013.

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