Please help Watermark continue to provide local LGBTQ news with a monetary contribution

For over 25 years, Watermark has been the leading source of LGBTQ news in Central Florida and Tampa Bay. We intend to continue our service to our community in this rapidly changing world.

As many in our community are suffering, so are we. As sales decline in our family of advertisers, so do ours. We can get through this, but we must do it together.

Watermark has established a SUPPORT WITH DONATIONS button on our website. It is attached to our company PayPal. If you are able and wish to help keep independent journalism going on in our Central Florida and Tampa Bay LGBTQ communities, please consider helping to keep our reporting alive by making a monetary contribution:

Watermark is not a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and donations are greatly appreciated but NOT tax deductible.

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