Comments Round-Up: KY clerk refuses to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples

kim davis kentucky clerk bigot

Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk of courts who is refusing to give same-sex couples marriage licenses – in defiance of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling making marriage equality in the law of the land – is sparking a strong reaction from Watermark readers.

Here’s a roundup of comments posted to our stories covering Davis:

“We need to fire her for not doing her job…end of story” — Judi Bucholtz

“Which God has authority over Kentucky? I have my Greek and Roman gods down, a good number of the Hindu deities, Buddha and the Judeo-Christian list as compared to Egyptian gods. How strong is the Roman church in Kentucky? Or is she from one of the Protestant sects? It’s so confusing which is why I’m glad the Constitution guarantees me the right to freedom of religion, but only because we live in a country based on separation of Church and State… And more importantly one religion shall not be elevated above another. Or was that the Old America?” — Dave Natale

“We have to stop giving this woman the time of day. Can couples not go to a different county? Should they have to? No, absolutely not. However, we are only feeding in to what she and her attorneys want. Let’s just let her fade away.” — Mickey Layman

“She’s trying to turn herself into a martyr. I agree with Mickey. If you just go to the next county, she evaporates.” — Ken Kundis

“They absolutely should not go to another county. If African-Americans had just gone to another lunch counter or been happy in the back of the bus this would be a very different country.” — Steve Watson

“The issue needs publicity, but not her. She’s becoming a cause celebre for the bigots. The press should treat her like they do mass shooters, and not use her name. We need to talk about the people who aren’t able to exercise their human right to get married and not the moron who is preventing it.” — Heather St. George Gibson

“Expose her hypocrisy and charge her with contempt. She is breaking the law. She only follows Gods laws when they align with her beliefs. She has no trouble giving licenses to divorced persons even though that is against scripture. I just read that she has been divorced 3 times and married 4! How appropriate!” — Trish Calhoun

“I guess having four husbands was okay with her GOD? Power is a weak thing in the end. I can’t wait to stop hearing about this ignorant woman.” — Shannon M. Fortner

“Had she issued them to people who had been divorced or who had reproduced without getting married?” — Chris Murphy

“What if a Muslim denied Driver Licences to women for religious reasons? The right wingers heads would explode.” — Doug Packer

“Does not matter what her beliefs are, she must do her job & abide by the law!” — Angel Lalumondier

“She’ll have $875,000 in a gofundme account by the end of the week…” — Ron Hernandez

“What’s annoying to me is that this a-hole is gonna be set for life after all this by the other a-holes who view her as a ‘martyr’.” — Benya Lee Cox

“She thinks she has more authority than the courts what a real joker maybe she can tell her woes to the people in the unemployment line where she belongs” — Lynne Marie

“I think it’s time for gays to stop drinking Kentucky whiskey!” — Dale Boggs

“I hope she goes to jail. Taxpayers are paying her big bucks to sit on her ass and not do her job!” — Vickie N. King

“Time for her to head to jail for contempt and to civil court. Sue this bigoted hypocrite” — Elizabeth Nicole

“These guys need to let go of the fines only thing. The people who crowd funded the cake bakers and the pizza restaurant will simply pay her fines. SHE MUST GO TO JAIL! I’m not normally that kind of person, but to make this end, money is not the solution.” — Mylez Edward


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