How the Bears broke Watermark Online

How the Bears broke Watermark Online


The Bears broke our web site. Seriously.

See that poll on the left, there? Click on “All Polls,” then scroll all the way down. (I know, the newest results should be at the top and it’s annoying, but despite repeated requests our content management system has yet to instruct me on if or how that can happen.) Find the poll that asks “Which Bear weekend event wins?”

Would you check out that craziness? As I’m typing this, BOCF has 1522 votes. Previous to this poll, the highest number of votes for a single option was 68. Something is up. I’m guessing a message urging BOCF supporters to vote Bear Bust went out on a mailing list.

And the resulting traffic caused Watermark Online to blow our bandwidth, shutting down the site for a few minutes yesterday afternoon, something that has never happened before.

I don’t know whether to be annoyed or thankful, so I’ll just move on to links of the best stuff I’ve been reading on the web.

This piece on coming out in middle school
is a bit old but I’ve shared it with so many people who hadn’t seen it, over the past few weeks, I figured I’d spread the love to you, too. It’s long but so well done.

What’s the latest with student sex columns? Why is it important?

Coming out cards. I know they’ve been done before but there’s something rather charming about this line.

Why Rachel Maddow is the best talk show host in America. Duh.

An excellent op ed from the Miami Herald that sails past the politics to get right to the heart of the gay rights movement.

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